Biography Yamaguchi, Ryôshû 山口 蓼洲 (1886 - 1966)
Yamaguchi Ryôshû was born in Kyoto in 1885. His real name was Keizo Furuzawa. He was adopted into a famous Kyogen actors family, the Yamaguchi family of Hongan-ji (temple). After that he studied Noh with Shigeyama Sengorô X and Shigeyama Sengorô XI and he became a Noh actor. In the early years of the 20th century he had also studied painting with Taniguchi Kôkyô (1864-1915), and subsequently he made paintings and designed woodblock prints with Noh and Kyogen subjects for Kyoto Hanga-in after WWII.
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See also paintingss from Taniguchi, Kôkyô 谷口香嬌 (1864-1915)