Biography Kanô, Naonobu 狩野尚信 (1607 - 1650)
Kanô Naonobu was born in Kyoto, the son of Kanô Takanobu, and the younger brother of Kanô Tan'yu. Already in 1623 he was appointed goyô eshi (court painter - the shogun's court), and in 1626 he worked together with his brother for the shogun in Nijô castle. He was very successful as a painter: in 1630 he was summoned to Edo and given an estate, after which he founded the Kobikichô branch of the Kanô school. His brother and he are seen as the greatest Kanô artistes of the early Edo period.
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See also paintingss from Kano, Tan'yû 狩野探幽 (1602-1674)